why are humans so violent? And should we just accept it?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Sep 12, 2016.

  1. In this thread im asking two questuons, why are humans so violent?
    Should we just accept what we are and give in to our genetic coding?

    In most cases wars are initiated by governments, not by populations. And, most of the time, they are the result of disputes over resources and land, or of a government’s desire to increase its influence and power. However, looking back over the history of warfare, what is most striking is how willing most people have been to fight in wars, or at least to support them.

    When Great Britain joined the first world war, in August 1914, massive crowds celebrated outside Buckingham Palace. This celebratory mood was widespread throughout Europe. Writing of the German people’s response to the war, the historian Alan Bullock described “an unparalleled sense of national unity, which those who experienced it never forgot, an exalted sense of patriotism”.

    The early American psychologist William James once suggested that war is so prevalent because of its positive psychological effects. It creates a sense of unity in the face of a collective threat. It binds people together – not just the army engaged in battle, but the whole community. It brings a sense of cohesion, with communal goals, and inspires individual citizens (not just soldiers) to behave honourably and unselfishly, in the service of a greater good. It supplies meaning and purpose, transcending the monotony of everyday life. Warfare also enables the expression of higher human qualities that often lie dormant in ordinary life, such as courage and self-sacrifice.

    This seems tantamount to suggesting that human beings fight wars because we enjoy doing so. It’s easy to see how James’s ideas could apply to the large numbers of young British men volunteering to fight in Syria in recent months. These young men see themselves as fighting a just cause with fellow Muslims, but they’re surely also seeking the sense of being more alive that James describes: a sense of cohesion and honour, which they – perhaps romantically – feel is more attainable in war than at home in the UK.

    James’s argument is that human beings need to find activities that provide the same positive effects of warfare but which don’t involve the same devastation, or as he calls it, “the moral equivalent of war”. In other words, we have to find alternative activities to give us that sense of feeling alive, of belonging and purpose.

    In stable, peaceful and more economically developed countries, such as the UK and the US, life is so rich and varied that there are many ways of satisfying these needs – through sport, our careers, entertainment and hobbies. However, in other parts of the world where life is especially hard – when people live in poverty and are oppressed, and where there is little hope for the future, such as in Gaza, Palestine and many parts of Africa – it’s harder to satisfy those impulses.

    With that said my personal opinion from looking at history is that there is something deep in our genetic coding that drives us to war and violence. We like it. We spend more on war than anything else.
    Theres nothing stopping all nations from disbanding militaries and using the freed up money to fight disease and end hunger. But we choose not to.

    Given free will we have chosen to find the fastest ways to murder one another. Why? And should we just accept what we are and stop pretending, just war all out until one nation is left standing or none, just be the savages we truly are and take what we want?
  2. Once aliens come and threaten us well become one nonviolent against eachother united human race until then we just gotta deal us being violent to ourselves
  3. Then when they leave? How long till we begin killing one another again? Lol
  4. Well be extinct by the time they leave
  5. Humans will always be violent, no matter what. Can't help that. Everyone is violent in their own way. If you don't have something to fight for you don't have any purpose.

    And you and other people who agree with you only think violence is bad because that's your opinion. I for one enjoy it and enjoy being involved in it.
  6. Manifest destiny
  7. Is WW1 the only evidence you have for people supporting war?

    I'd say war is prevalent because of conflicts, although in the process of war, a communal goal is created. (You want your side to win)
    But that doesn't equate to support for war.
  8. No the only evidence I have of people supporting war is the entire history of mankind. No matter how we advance one thing stays the same. We kill each.other, a lot.
  9. The greatest thing that could ever happen to mankind is to have an off-world threat.
  10. Thats what im saying we need aliens man
  11. But... We'd lose.
  12. A wall of text.
    Probably copy and pasted from the web by some other people.
  13. Not all humans are violent laddy. A person becomes violent due to their social surroundings, sometimes they are born this way (genes, learning disability which makes them act out in frustration ((like onesy)) but not everyone is violent. For me to actually hurt someone physically... It would make me vomit. I personally could never see anyone bleed at my own hands.

    Humans are wrecking balls, they create mess and war. The US of A has enough money to wipe poverty out and what do they do? Bomb Syria for oil. The UK has enough money to make sure no one on this planet goes thirsty and what do they do? They bomb Syria.

    The point is that our "governments" govern this world. Create chaos and famine, wars and poverty and yet we all sit back and let this happen because we don't know any better and we are nothing but brain washed apes under a man's rule. It is my belief that the government is 90% at fault for the growing violence on our streets and beyond closed doors.

    Git' good scrub.
  14. yeah i agree with roxey, some governments & some ppl enjoy violence not mankind as a whole, i've seen sum take off running the opposite direction when the word fight is mentioned, i've seen others run towards it & others again who couldn't care less. That's the problem with it, if everybody enjoyed violence i'd say we'd be living in a modern society much more reflective of past races such as the vikings or spartans, seeming terrible for sum currently but overall, for warriors atleast, a more greatly united society in mindset. On the other side, if everyone were suddenly to become peaceful, we might see the world progressing more along the fantasies we see in the show Star Trek. I think it's because there is such great divide in the philosophies of mankind that we see violence in place of contentment, as violence becomes entertainment/enforcement when we are content wit it's occurance & inhumane/criminal when we are not.
  15. Because it's power and money what they are doing for war.

    Enough said...
  16. Nature.. Mic drop*

  17. Dude? We have like 15k nukes.

    We just need to figure a way to trap them here whilst we escape to another planet lol