whts the best buildings needed for a SH

Discussion in 'Wars' started by player098098235, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. Level 1 SOS and a 1-5 attack buildings.
  2. 49 level 1 Strongholds of shadows.
    1 fully upgraded castle
    4-8 frostland attack buildings level 1

    The reason for so many attack buildings is to raise your hit ratio to mid players (~18m cs). Make sure one attack building is an eleven temple for 26 attacks per unload.
  3. @sexy
    What lvl do u recommend the troop buildings be?
  4. whatever you want imo
  5. Lvl did good I thought and that way you don't have to spend 150bil for a little increase versus spending 60bil and getting a larger bonus
  6. 0 Attck buildings and 0 spy buildings
    Go statless you'll own 