who thinks moose should retire?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SPAM____SANDWICH______________, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. he adds nothing to the game. is it time to go...or should he continue lingering around dropping moose poop wherever he goes?
  2. He doesn't drop moose poop, he drips moose poop.
  3. Moose is epic dude, don't defy a moose or he will smash ur car...

    Seriously we should keep moose
  4. Aww, you mad that Moose locked your thread before someone else could post? :lol:
  5. Lmao who's butthurt?
  6. @Khoare- I think moose is cool to, but Jesus you don't have to blow the guy.
  7. This isn't the real cheese, get the hell off imposter.
  8. Op is! :lol:
  9. Change your name op your a disgrace to cheese's name.
  10. You should retire.
  11. [​IMG]

    I'm running out of this stuff.
  12. Moose is by far the most helpful and friendly mod in KAW! He is very intelligent and helpful as long as you show some respect towards him. Noobs like you OP, don't show any respect and therefore don't deserve any. I think it's time for you to go because you wouldn't get on well here!
  14. Well, he sure contributes a hell lot more than you.

  15. moose only contributes poop. you can be his lackeys and blow him if you like i wont.
  16. He did retire and came back, hahahaha I hope you get farmed again cheese
  17. I don't think your thread would have been instantly locked had it been bashing Obama, put it that way. So I would say Moose makes biased judgements when moderating discussions (or trolling/baiting) on politics or religion but I wouldn't say he's useless. He does look out for the general welfare, assist, and entertain, which is about as good as I could hope for.
  18. Oh that could be considered offensive, maybe silence worthy 
  19. So are you the real gutless cheese or another fraud? Far too many threads discussing personal likes and dislikes of Mods. Do they have normal human faults, sure why not. They provide us with a safe and civil game, and at great cost to them.
    If your the real cheese your just butt hurt the Devs never made a bigoted, arrogant, moron like you a moderator. SFO
  20. Don't try to use things that I say to look cool op. Your a noob imposter and that's all you will ever be. Go jump in a river mostly infested by piranhas.