Who the heck is better

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Vanilla2315 (01), Nov 8, 2011.

  1. Patrick or SpongeBob
    Mordecia or Rigby
    Jake or Finn
    Lady Rainacorn or Princess BubbleGum
    Jacob or Edward
    Mom or Dad
    Water or Coke
    Coke or Pepsi
    Mountain Dew or Monster
    Cats or Dogs
    Snakes or Lizards
    Squidward or SpongeBob
    SpongeBob or Mr. Krabs
    Chum Bucket or Krusty Krab
    The Simpsons or Family Guy
    Google or Bing
  2. OP or ice cream.

    Ice cream wins by a mile.
  3. most of those are from
    Family Guy
    The Simpsons
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    Regular Show
    Adventure Time
  4. Me or you?

    TOTALLY.. you..

    Of course I'm kiddin' :)
  5. ^ She hides in fear :twisted: