Who is the real powerhouse in KaW?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Terminator, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Yesterday my thread did not load properly. So I will make a final attempt.

    I have been reading a lot of Forum lately regarding who really are the mightiest clan in KaW. Now I am not talking about those eb clans like KREUZRITTER sitting pretty at no1 LB strongest clan rank. These clans are filled with guests and eb heroes. Any signs of trouble and they will take off like a flock of birds being disturbed. Lol

    What I am talking about are the war clan families. Whose members are die hard warriors. They will not bow down to their enemies even if they have to sacrifice gold, allies or even full strip. These boys and girls will fight for as long as it takes until a peace treaty is agreed upon by their respective councils.

    Some suggested that the real powerhouse in KaW are Apocalypse family. Others have said it's ZAFT family. Some of you said it's X, Y and Z.

    I believe the only way to know is to have a mighty OSW break out between those powerful war families and see who survives to tell the tales.

    What do you think?

    PS Kingdoms of Alliance recruiting. We may not be the biggest but we are determined to be the best.

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year to my friends and foe in KaW. I love you all
  2. Yes recruitment open
  3. Kreuzritter isn't filled with eb heroes. You don't know what you're talking about. Have you ever even been to kreuz before ?
  4. KREUZRITTER: War history : Blank, so no system wars
    EB history : haunting only
    Report Findings: EB Heroes
  5. If you really think were just gunna break out in a huge osw for viewing pleasure youre stupid.
  6. I think it's yafi judgement, they have fought zaft, ig, Osiris , aah , voodoo,
  7. @Little_Miss: See? Your post shows exactly what the other thread does. You. Have. No. Idea. System wars mean NOTHING. Just because a clan hasn't done a system war does not in any way, shape, or form mean they are eb noobs.
  8. Apologies Little_Miss_ali. I meant to direct that at Mork. Looked at the wrong name.
  9. Reserved so I can look like I'm from the future.
  10. Another noob/alt trying to stir **** .. ..
     FAIL 
  11. Apocalypse and ZAFT. The two are both the powerhouses of KaW.
  12. I think olibear is the true powerhouse v
  13. You certainly aren't.
  14. I second the nomination for oli being kaws true powerhouse
  15. Kreu may be a clan that does eb and doesn't war, but don't assume for a second that none of the members there can't war
  16. Definitely immortal death dealers we can bang with the best of em