Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *trent_kickass (01), Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Post who you think os a kaw legend.
  2. Oh totes me cuz I am totes adorbes!
  3. Sholron
  4. Me. I once farmed a single eb for weeks until it admitted defeat and gave me some equipment. Before that I famed osf all over kaw hitting pw after pw. The word legend doesn't even begin to comprehend my greatness
  5. Ermm. I think Congo chomber is gaw legends.
  6. Sholron, Benny, Majesty, Joe_, iGodV2, Vontez, hmmmmmm
  7. Did anyone forget Spragga? 
  8. Slayer_Bob, iMaKi, KROLL, Distance
  9. Bastion, German_idiot, Delphin, toast, cor, and dilly bar. 0.o
  10. Oh, and Benny, no one forgets Benny.
  11. Emeth :!: - boss
  12. Foggy, you forgot assassin.
  13. Darn, I knew I was forgetting someone >.>
  14. Does Captain crayon count as a legend? :(
  15. Eagle

    His grammar and spelling is on point. Makes me feel like an idiot with all the errors strewn throughout my posts.