who do you think will win the NASCAR Sprint Cup?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by thekgbwaitsfornoone, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. with four races left in the chase, the competition is starting to stack up. who do you think will win the chase? personally I think it will be Jeff Gordon, which would be awesome because it's his last season.
  2. NASCAR was too boring for me to watch. I can't sit there and watch them race 500+ laps around the same track of that's how it goes.
  3. I can make 4 left turns...so me
  4. :lol:
  5. come on guys I was trying to be serious. you told your jokes about NASCAR now if you think someone's going to win say who you think will win. and you don't have to watch the whole race just watch the end
  6. Actually I don't have to watch any of it.

  7. I did....me...
  8. what about the crashes would you watch the crashes?
  9. Maybe the replays if someone dies

  10. Id rather watch caillou
  11. I died on this one
  12. i was gonna say he should watch poor and stupid episode of south park obama lol. #TeamButters
  13. Jeff's going to win
  14. Lightning McQueen is gonna win! You seen the bolt bro?

  15. ...there!

    Now there is no need to watch any more NASCAR.
  16. Lewis Hamilton
  17. Danica Patrick is ugly
  18. Illuminati ▲