Is this an isolated incident? Just a bad apple? Just a few bad apples? Or are white police officers out to get black men? Do they commit a lot of crimes? Or are the cops just doing their jobs? Idk you guys tell me..
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Get ready for the fallout. At least the guy didn't charge the cop.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! This is anecdotal evidence. White cops shoot black men in all big countries and vice-versa. It's a non-issue that's being exploited so that news media cab get more ratings. It's just distracting people from real issues.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Ok. First off. It's a damn picture. You have no clue what went down or how it went down. You can't theorize a whole racist argument based off a single still photo with no real means to produce evidence for or against. Secondly..... It's even further ridiculous our society feels the need to preemptively assure their comments aren't intentionally offensive or racist. Man just say what you have to say. Screw people who are so close minded and presumptuous they have to throw the bigot card at everything that isn't worded carefully PC.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! I am not trying to come off racist but why doesn't the news cover when a white guy is **** by a black cop. Or when a black guy shoots a white cop. I totally agree that the news blows these things out of proportion to make personal gains.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! That image quality though. Maybe he isn't even holding a gun. Maybe the guy has crooked eyebrows and draws them on every morning, but he rubbed a bit off so the nice police man is fixing them with a marker.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! If this was a white man who had a gun pointed at their head would you have made this thread? No not because you're racist or a hipocrate but because it would not even be reported. Sensationalist media is what makes it look like African Americans are specifically being targeted. Recently a black cop shot a white man it was not in any news other than the local area it had happened. The biggest questions here are what happened that made the officer feel the need to pull it out, what was their conversation about, and why was that man standing in a confrontational posture towards a cop? Many things that will be said in this thread will be speculative. Just keep in mind there's two sides to every heavily biased story.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! How the hell you going to post a still image without any story along with it and then ask what it means?
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! You're only feeding the trolls... Notice this guy has two threads. Both controversial in nature. Trying to spur backlash among the KaWmunity in a very unentertaining/unoriginal way.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Also to be fair, from what I've seen, American cops are overly aggressive when they don't need to be.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Every country has overly aggressive cops. Also not all American cops are overly aggressive what you just said is the same thing as saying that since a black man once killed someone that means that all black people are murderers.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Anyway now it's time to just let this guy's threads go unposted on.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Video link to the picture I posted..warning,deeply disturbing.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! I can't stand people that try to throw the race card around for everything and that blacklivesmatter crap. Cops are not out to get blacks, 99.9% of the time race has nothing to do with it, they are just doing their job. The fact of the matter, statistically speaking, is that blacks on average do commit more crimes, but everyone has their bad apples, same with whites.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Wow. Bait much? No one is out to get anyone. Are 100% cops perfect? No. It seems though this one is a bad apple and has been dealt with.. end of story.or at least it was until you used it to egg people on.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! First off, we don't know the context of the photo, so we cannot make any intelligent remarks about it. To a broader point, however, Mounties, and police are generally very very reliable and good at what they do. Treating the public in an abusive way, regardless of race, is a fast track to Job termination at a minimum. There pekoe worked to hard to get these jobs to simply throw them away on stupid crap. Does that mean that law enforcement officials are perfect? No. Law enforcement officials are not perfect, and a few bad apples permeate every organization ever made, but, in the whole, your local law enforcement officers do noble work and are not the race mongering monsters some would make them out to be