Whispers Feedvack

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by theriverssbend, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. Tell me what you think and feel free to post ideas.
  2. not me ..
  3. Re: Whispers Feedback

    Lol Alyaz.
  4. How do I feedvack?
    Is vack an animal?
  5. nope, its "wack a noob" this doesnt count me 
  6. It was a mistaKe. I'll change it when I'm on the computer and not on my idevice
  7. Hmmm, you had a good start, but you need longer chapters with more explanation. Also your organization is poor :(
  8. I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything. And how is that poor organization??
  9. I meant organization of the plot. You come out with a great thought, but then you fall into randomness. Why are they fighting? Who are they? What do they look like?

    P.S. get a writing app, or write your chapters on notes. It will help when you have a good idea, but can't think of any more so that way you can have full chapters.

    P.P.S. Ask Lady_Marian for a good name of a writing app if you don't want to use notes. She writes her stories on her iPod. I don't, I use a computer :p
  10. K..............

    Man you sound like my ela teacher but I will look it over and see what I can change
  11. Lol, I'm all about English I LOOOOOOVE it, but science is my major lol
  12. If only you could scroll down while you type in forums.