whine.. whine.. whine some more.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllllIllIlllIILiLIlIlIlllIlIlI, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. I seriously do not agree on any changes that are made for the upcoming season.. bfe changes? Bfa changes? Gh changes? Why? I'll tell you why, because there is a huge group of people that are never satisfied and just keep complaining.. and complaining, and complaining. Bfa already isn't exactly the sharpest knife in wars these days.. and now it will be even less of a bonus. A lot of people worked very hard for their bfe, which will become completely irrelevant now, because some people, that were too lazy to build up bfe, kept on whining. We at Sotuw lost like a trillion wars to sotra, which was also because of the bif bfe difference.. we didnt whine and make whole threads about it, did we? We kept warring and ended up with a good amount of bfe ourselves.

    I suggest minimum changes for season2, the matchups and wars in season1 were not that bad at all. Ofcourse there will be a difference in strength/size/bfa/bfe.. but isnt that what it is all about? If you guys want equal matches, devs can reset the whole app, give everyone 1 building of the same kind and make them war eachother.. Is that what y'all are looking for?
  2. Please keep the whining out of forums.. you guys are doing severe damage to my brain, hitting my head against the wall everytime I seeyour foolish complaints about everyone and everything.
  3. Nice thread elite, full support here :)
  4. I don't think there is a large group of ppl whining, it's really just few ppl who is consistently whining, they made thread after thread, and post after post to try to get attentions, too bad devs don't really see this, the majority ppl who doing ee always try to stay out of forum.
  5. Hmm sounds like u r whining about the whiners.
  6. @ Super, that is true, I never post on forums.. but devs seem to listen to a bunch of people that whine because they often lose and are too lazy to improve. While the vast majority likes the season 1 matchup/war system.

    @raist thanks for the huge contribution to this thread.
  7. Well since we are whining about whiners, am I allowed to whine about whiners whining?
  8. You should. Apparently that is the way to get things done.
  9. 
  10. OP  you said it well
  11. Complains about whining.

    Whines like a pro.

    Okie dokie.
  12. Your whole post sounds like whining
  13. support,

    Might as well let us pay $2 to get an identical account to everyone else to go mash buttons for 2hours.

    Props go to those that did the work to be hard to beat. All to be minimalized to feed some whiners bs.
  14. Puts down phone stands up and applauds..well said op..this is only trials..I for one can't wait to pound EB fairy clans who think this will be a level playing field.. it won't.. the beat downs will continue.. keep whining peeps..I love to hear it
  15. Coming from a GH with nearly full Rancor/Estoc equipment and 2x as much BFA as a GH should have, this was expected. Those better off are complaining that the ones they crushed are sad.
  16. weaklings in wars complains much. they didnt admit it, they suck in wars and not even sit down theyre ass and war lots..
  17. Why are all these great warriors that earned their equipment so scared of it factoring into your next match up?

    I've got pretty decent equipment, but I just want fun hard fought wars. Improving a system with needed changes is what everyone should be striving for.

    I have still yet to hear an intelligent argument as to why BFE should not be factored into matching clans up evenly based on strength?

    Op if your only argument is just regurgitated "I earned it" then this thread should be locked.

    If you have a legitimate reason why 4mil in cs shouldn't be counted in a war that is SUPPOSED to fairly match up strengths of clans then by all means tell everyone.
  18. Fo•rum

    1. A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
    2. An Internet message board.

    The below statement is aimed at those that complain about whiners.

    Seems to me that everyone's point of view that is not in alignment with your own can be considered as "whining". It's just a point of view get off the "whining wagon" just because its a point of view does not mean it's whining it's just an opinion.

    This message was brought to you by your local bounty hunter.
  19. nerfing gh in wars a really bad idea also, we all knw gh is easy to be koed in wars. Big advantge if this will be implemented for sure those higher stats with lots of sdt with. full def pots and spy def pots.. since bfe and bfa is useless. how can we hit higher cs guys with this freaking build. lol