Which is better 10 forges or 1subterranean factory?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *FrozenNinja (01), Apr 18, 2010.

  1. Hey I was wondering which I should build another forge that's 10 forges or sell everything for 1 subterranean factory plz post replys on here thanx everyone who gives their opinions
  2. 10 forges
  3. 1 Forge lvl3 is better then sub lvl2;
    3Forge lvl3 is better then sub lvl3.
  4. 10 forges=72,000 attack, 48,000 defense; 1,440,000 plunder bonus but it takes up 10 spaces

    1 sub=21,600 attack, 14,400 defense; 324k plunder bonus but takes up one space
  5. Oh and a sub costs 1.3b to get 21.6k/14.4k stats...which I don't think you'd have.
  6. What the hell is a subteranian factory ? o_O
  7. Tier 3, highest attack.
  8. You don't even need to think about t3 until you lc.
  9.  i disagree. T3 makes perfect since once you reach your 1 bil land assuming you do not plan to reset. You will make more money faster by going to T3s at that point. It's simple math.
  10. Better question, since it's equal stats.

    What's better? 6 level 2 guilds or one Level 3 guild?

    Personal analysis:
    6 level 2s are better because they return more plunder despite same stats because of more troops.

    The flip is 1 lvl3 guild plus 5 lvl 1 guilds(easy to place on the land) actualy gives you slightly better stats and moves the balances closer to equal troops in terms of plunder.

    What do you think?
  11. Are u considering the slower regen rate?
  12. I'm going with 10 forges :)
  13. Don't bump old threads nub.
  15. It's an old thread...