which ebs make the most cash?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by nowind, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. Regardless of equipment I was wondering what the most profitable ebs are assuming the same or near the same builds. I know ambush is up there was wondering if haunts were better or other ebs. Maybe somebody with more experience could rank them based on build/difficulty thanks.
  2. Haunts
  3. Hauntings.. Ambush if you can't hit haunts
  4. The forgotten ones.
  5. Fod and haunts
  6. hauntings and ambush.

    but ambush is the noobier version that takes longer, so less cash
  7. How does ambush pay good?its just that anyone can hit it it pays shith
  8. Haunts or TBO if your clan completes fast. **Note** TBO may require more effort, however it drops 2 equipment and Aqua/inferno
  9. Tfo is great for beginners
  10. tgl in -l o t r- we do it in 4 hrs get a good ammount of bars and amulets you could earn anything between 20-30bil every couple of ebs, and it dont just drop to people who do alot of actions, i woke up at the end of one eb unloaded once and hit 602 amulets and 550 bars, so i would say tgl :D
  11. ORIGINS HAUNTS AND NML. I always seem to make most on origins even tho haunts is best
  12. Most per unload cold calling but best paying including bonus id say Haunting.
  13. For just gold and ease to hit and finish then haunts are the best eb. For smaller hitters tfo, origins, ambush, and nml depending on build and clan activity.

    For gold and pots/bars I think fod is the next best but tgl isn't far behind. Tgl earns less gold than fod but more pot drops and bigger drops seem more frequent