Which EB?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 0_o-iPhone4S-0_o, Feb 4, 2012.

  1. Which one is easier Foreign Territories or The Reckoning?

    And also how do you do Foreign Territories?
  2. FT is nothing but scouting. Pays horribly.
  3. Reckoning is easier. Read the eb guide if you want to know how to do foreign territories.

    Strategy ~> Guide to PvE
  4. FT is much easier >_> it takes 5mins if you have people go scout with
  5. Compared to pay - and most people dont have tonnes of scouts.
  6. Eh, it's only about 75k of scouting. Roughly. reckoning is loads of attacking and pots. Pays much better, but takes much longer.
  7. True, but need less strength to do it. 75k of scouts is a lot!
  8. Reckoning is lots Of attacks 
  9. Attacks pay more ;)

    And, attacks go faster.
  10. Motorcycles are fastest
  11. Most likely op doesnt have people to scout with.
  12. I still say FT is easier, just pays way worse and is pity:p