Hi guys, I decided to make a guide for clans to choose which epic battle would be the best for growth and development. Without further ado, let's begin: Warbeasts: Everything starts from this epic. That said, it's really crappy. I guess you'd only do this one if your clan was tiny. Kingdom Assault: Good epic for small clans with lots of attack builds. Never-ending attacking! The Despair: Basically Kingdom Assault, but for bigger clans. The Forgotten Ones: Hands down the best eb for medium sized clans. Plenty of stuff for everyone to do, and gives GREAT payout if you do a little of everything. Foreign Territories: Good epic for medium-largish clans, as the scouting is optional. Allows hansels/spies to live in harmony with attack builds. Battle Royale: Kingdom Assault all over again, except with an item stage. Great epic for large clans with plenty of attack builds. Evanescence: Another good epic for large clans, but this one is more geared towards mixed builds, as it has a bit of stealing and scouting. The Haunting: Nothing pays more than the Haunting b2b. You must be a VERY large clan to be able to do this epic, however. Is said to pay better than pws. No Quarter: The big bad epic of kaw. You pretty much have to be a top 50 clan to be able to complete this epic. It is usually a sign of a great clan if your clan can complete No Quarter. HUGE PAYOUT. However, The Haunting trumps it in terms of $$$. Complete this epic and your clan name will be known and feared amongst kaw. Well, I'm not expecting a sticky or anything, but I'm hoping this will help clans choose which epic is best. Ty!
I like the forgotten ones because you always have a way to be active. Plus better than pwar in way of money.
@Sirhankman: Oops, epic fail on my part. I mean Abandoned Kingdom. Damn idevice doesn't allow me to edit. @iPwn: Yeah, IMO, The Forgotten Ones is a mini Haunting. It's that good for $$$ as long as you do your part.