Which Builds allow for most plunder?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BAD-Meets-EVIL, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. Just wanted to collect everyones thoughts on this subject.
  2. I've hears that having more than 6 SOS will kill your plunder does anyone have any experience to support this?
  3. SoS kill plunder anyway....
  4. My build consists mostly of cursed foundries. Should I start swapping for titans
  5. SOS screws your plunder if you have less then 2/3 of your buildings are SOS
  6. And how exactly does SOS screw your plunder? I can answer that. It wont go into negative plunder! All that will happen is that the plunder values for the SOS vary a lot.
  7. All level 4 guild hansel gives great plunder.
  8. yes i have cursed foundrys but the more i add my plunder stays the same or lowers i have 24 sub factorys one COE and one SOS should i get all subs first then move to foundrys??
  9. SOS give great plunder for eb and steals though but not for plunder wars
  10. i have 2 alts one im follwing a hansel guide! i get good rewards! main alts bigger but only gets the same of gold as lower alt! hes an OAF