where's redstar at when you need him?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by ____xPxRxIxMxAxLx____, May 3, 2016.

  1. Trying to find a bc heavy attack build to see the stats and for the life of me I cant.

    And is it just me or are hansels suddenly bigger than attack builds? WTH?
    In what universe is that fair? One of the only perks of being a big goofy attack build is the big stats, Considering hansels can destroy you at will.

    Can anyone show me a large bc att build?
    Where's redstar when you need him? Lol
  2. The LB.. ?
  3. I don't see any close to pure attack builds. Most still have alot in spy. I'm wondering what you can get attack stats up to as hansels can hit 275 mil I think, round about, in spy att/def
  4. The only "pure" attack build I remember is wim_the_supernatural_duck
  5. There are pros and cons of each build. If hansels are so amazing, then become a hansel yourself.
  6. So noone knows? Are hansels now indeed bigger than attack builds?
  7. This has never been the case, currently most of the players who are BC at this time, are tower heavy attack builds,hybrids or hansels.

    Pure attack build stats should be well over 800m CS.
  8. Ty chaos. I'd like to see an att build close to that size if anyone knows one. Before you say their are no pure att builds!!!

    Ya I know that's why I said close. I've yet to see anyone near 800 mil cs
  9. I believe I calculated a completely balanced build (as Red used to be, with no towers) and 1 spy building on LL (just to compare to a hansel, specifically PS1) and the troop stats were near 280m atk/def if I remember correctly (might have been 290m, but that area)

    Atk builds still have higher stats, but the gap is much smaller now that spies on OR give about 1m more CS than a balanced troop building.

    That is the big difference; on every other land, a balanced troop building has more CS than its spy equivalent. On OR, they do not.
  10. Ty !!!!!!!

    This guy seems to be the only one understands what I'm asking
  11. Use the build calculator when it's updated for the new lands
  12. You lookin at the next pure attack build right here,

    Just wait ten years thoughhh