Where is my stuff?!??

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _Sinister_Minister_, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. This is ine for KAW. I want to know where my limbs of labor went, along with my gold chest. Please adress this. I may delete this game if it isnt fixed.
  2. Nope. Stuffs gone. I had well over 700 complete limbs and one gold chest. Gone as of one hr ago
  3. Yeah lock thread and email support ...once the negative comments come out on this type of thread ..that's when I think, the mods/devs actually hold it against you.
  4. i never use the forum. Just questioning where stuff is.
  5. Why would a mod be involved in any way whatsoever? Try resetting app

    Also your stats are quite small to have been in back to back hte in order to attain that magnitude of limbs... Just sayin. I know it's possible but unlikely

  6. I agree with this ^
  7. Oh I think I got all of them. Thanks!
  8. Never said back to back. Just said after the hte it was gone. Besides nothing negative here…
  9. I call shenanigans buddy.. Nice try though 
  10. no lies here. Just facts. I had them and now they are gone. I can't even buy a key to unlock a box. strange.

  11. Devs know everything that happens on your account, EVERYTHING. It's all recorded and saved, so if you email them and ask why you lost your goodies they will fix the situation. Continuing to post forums about your silly issue is wasting everyone's time, so sod off and go email le devs..

  12. NOOOO! Please don't delete the game! We all going to miss you!! So mean. -_-
  13. Everybody's a comic…
  14. Wait... If you have 700 limbs I must have 5k :p
  15. @OP ..just wait it gets worse  (I told u) lol
  16. Bashing party. Sweet.