Where did all the stupidity come from?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LittleMissBettyCrocker, Aug 20, 2012.

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  1. So many people think:
    1) you lose money when someone hires an ally from you
    2) allies don't make money when they get hired.

    Did the hiring process used to be different or something? Because I'm really confused as to how SO many people got it into their heads that you don't make money off of volleys and ally trading.
  2. It came from This thread, lol...jk
  3. Lol I totally agree
  4. You lose money of in osw when your ally gets hired....
  5. I guess because people don't want to have to look for another ally or something. I personally don't like having my allies hired during a war. But any other time I like my allies being hired. More money for me.
  6. Nervere, BAD BOY. I can't have your minty-ness soiled by a woman.
  7. I tell ten noobs a week this. Lol
    My friend plays kaw. I hired all his allies(having explained it once) and he said

    "Dont hire my ******* allies! Everyone keeps hiring my ******* allies!!! (but you make gold when it happ...)
    ****!!!! No!!! If u hire my ******* allies again i swear i will quit this ******* game!! ****. End quote
    (ok dude)
  8. Mexico.
    Kidding :p
    But stupidity probably came from idiots :0
  9. Lol... I'd hire their allies again then. Do my part to rid KaW of one less thick head.
  10. Well said and true
  11. not from the bankai, i tell you that much
  12. I saw someone post in wc yesterday like 'DONT HIRE MY GOOD ALLIES. I SPENT SO MUCH MONEY ON THEM AND I LOSE MONEY EVERYTIME YOU HIRE THEM!' I was like wtf? You gain back all the money you spent and then some...? It's 1.25% or something like that right?
  13. Nervere, if I made a clan called The Candy People, would you join? You are my mint twin :<
  14. In the case of the world chat guy he was using reverse psychology on you. It's very effective with people in this game
  15. Yaaaaaaaay!
  16. He said, "would" not will. :roll:
  17. Now both of you just need a  to make it official!
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