when to t5?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Lion_King, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. I have 37 buildings, over 2/3rds guilds. I was gonna start converting guilds to SoS and t4 buildings. When would be a good time to convert to t5? Just skip t4 and go to t5?
  2. T4 first probably...
  3. Depends, though I didn't quite understand.
    Do you have 2/3 of guilds, or 2/3 of SoS?

    If I were you, I would keep guilds on highlands, and then save for a Volary.

    Although it depends, do you want to spend that long doing EBs? If you're more of a warrer, I'd reccomend you build SoS, for quick stats.

    :) Just my two-cents.
  4. I would Wait till t4 HLBC but that's just my opinion.
  5. Do not convert. Just finish hlbc with t5 lv1then go lvl 2 t5s and then start converting. You make plenty of plunder with guilds so no need to convert untill later and there is no point it building guilds that you are going to tear down soon... or relatively soon.
  6. Just build one by one T5L1 on HL until LC
    Then upgrade to L2, then L3.
    You can upgrade you LL to T2 L3 SoS anytime.