When Should I Convert ?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DontKillMyVibe, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. I am a GH atm who has 15 High Lands unlocked. Im trying to figure out when to convert. But when i do convert i would like to be a high stat attack build.
  2. Personally, I have no experience with attack builds. I would just go for it but that's just me
  3. Find an experienced Guild Hansel and see what they have to say to you, it shouldn't be hard to find one in this game anymore.
  4. I am converting from guild hansel to attack. All at once is probably better for your plunder but 1 by 1 and skimming is earning me more than I did, so do either one of those. I really saw no difference.
  5. Yeah im gonna go ahead and buy a 50B allie then start converting. I should have about 30B left, do i buy as many L1 COE with that money or fully upgrade 3 or 4 ?
  6. Fully upgrading to T4L3 at a time would be best.
  7. Don't convert till HLBC
  8. I'd do ambush b2b and save a trillion or so and convert in one go