When is the time to convert from sh to war build?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Infam0us, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Hello kaw community and all

    I have this one question as a sh that I never really got an answer to . So here it is, if an sh wants to convert to a war build how much should he save up in order to convert then and there. Not like save up some tear down some cuz that really will not work if you're sh. The reason I feel like changing is because sh are good and effective, however small, easy to farm, and your build is the same old gray spy SOS . So anyone have an idea or rough estimate of how much I should save up to change, and how much land should be explored, AND what builds they consist of? If so I'll appreciate it. But don't tell me I'm the only sh that feels this way am I?
  2. haa haa haa
  3. Thanks mirza I find it funny too 
  4. Called a calculater. u should try :)
  5. Noobs these days 
  6. Op, an Sh is HL and LL full of lvl 1 SoS'. Simply multiple how many SoS you have by 11b. When a farmer comes along, upgrade your SoS to lvl 3. All you really would have to do then is drop attack and allies and go PS and you could still war


    Leave attack, Destroy all SoS and rebuild Lvl 1 SoS️
  7. Well you're not even Highland complete yet, I would at least recommend that. But if you build up bfa then you look bad but can end up being better than bigger builds
  8. Use the build calculator app. And that depends really . How many lands u got unlocked etc . But generally it will be about 2trill plus to convert to a low mid size build from a sh

  9. save up 33trillion for land and buildings and 10trillion at least in allies to be effective
  10. It's not only about being farmed guys it's about wanting to change , not just the fact you may get farmed
  11. I went from SH to this in about two weeks, other are faster. You generally have to save up at least to 1 trillion to make a good conversion from SH to mid
  12. 30tril (approx) from HLBC sh to HFBC tank
  13. 35-40trill is a good number to save. On that note you will probably quit before then so you might as well not bother.
  14. Just get the app called "kawculator" if you're on idevice
  15. The kawculator is on android too. Alot of ad spam. Wait till you have all 25 hl and at least 15 hf. Then start saving gold to place your buildings.
  16. Ohhh k gotcha