When is Mithril going back on sale does anyone know?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LewisB-S, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Please help and if I don't reply post it to my wall as well thanks!!
  2. it's always on sale... but there is a limit (can have a max of 6, can only buy 16 withn 24 hrs) /lock
  3. It won't. Mith can only be gotten in quantities over 6 by warring in the estoc trials
  4. I think never.
  5. It's always on sale if you less than 6. You can only buy 18 per 24 hrs. If you have 6 or more, then it's not for sale
  6. You can just 6 at a time tho to stop the excessive amount of mith floating around. WAR
  7. Yeah I had 71 from before and I just bought a perm item and I guess after that that's why
  8. Thank you all for your posts
  9. If you own more than 6, never. You can only purchase up to 6 if you don't have any.
  10. I remember the legit sales
  11. It's 16 now not 18. At least it says that in the alchemist.