when do i convert to sos?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iRage_, Sep 9, 2012.

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  1. This Iz only my second thread nd I'm on my phone so go easy thx
  2. Grammar check please.
    And convert when you have enough money.
  3. When ever you feel like it :/
  4. 12 lands in highlands
  5. X524 has it IMO
  6. After your 12th land in the highlands, you get a shiney achievement and can buy castle level 3, whitch comes with a mage! Even better, the land cost is 40bil for 13th land, so for each SoS is now 13bil, it would seem like a great time! (This is what I am doing now, 12 lands guild to SoS conversion)

    On a side note, just because you're on phone doesn't mean you can do 8 year old grammar/spelling and one sentence, and hope no one says a thing. This entire post is by phone, and has more quality then your account.
  7. Epic win by Hipster.
  8. I don't care what thread of yours it is, if you've made one before and bothered to take the time to look around forums, you would firstly know there is a questions thread.

    Secondly, you would know a thread like this gets flamed.

    Your thread count is irrelevant too be honest, nothing stops you looking around.
  9. The last time I recall, this thread is about when the OP should start converting to SoS, not about grammar, or some @#$%*_(#*$(%*@#($ philosophy of forums.

    As stated above, I'd suggest starting the conversion when you've explored the 7th land on Highlands.
    Why ?
    The 8th land costs 15B. Each SoS L3 is around 14B, so it's only reasonable to start converting once your next land is more expensive than the SoS L3 right? Personally, I didn't need the mage much, stats were more important to me, I converted to SoS first.

    Just some of my thoughts, ultimately, you're the one who makes the decision. :)
  10. I'd say when you save ten bucks or so. Then you can go buy an old Abba cd.
  11. ๎™well, i started to build SOS since i got my first land on highlands. So far i've already changed around 17 lands on lowlands and i have 6 highlands with T4 level 3 buildings
    ๎™ but you can use anyone's strategy :)
  12. That madness guy seem like a stuck up prude i will spell crap however i like did u go carlton banks school lmao
  13. @HipsterPrincess (Grammar comment) Lol.๎’
  14. I'd go with what Donkey said. Despite what you may read elsewhere, you will make more total plunder due to a bigger end bonus.

    Just make sure you save up enough to build the SOS and convert right away, otherwise you will be losing money. Like Donkey said, it costs just under 14 billion to build and fully upgrade a SOS from scratch.
  15. Great answer madness! However, it's always up to the individual player. I converted one of my hansels after the first highland because I'm too lazy to save :). It's all about what you want for your build. Peruse the strategy section of forums and make an independent informed decision :) /lock
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