whats your favorite movie?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XXX_WALKINGDEAD389_XXX, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. Name your most favorite movie you like
  2. Romeo and Juliet (classic)

    No joke, great movie
  3. Saving Private Ryan
  4. Pirates of the Caribbean 
  5. Fast Five
    Fast and Furious 6
  6. Under Siege 1 and 2, Steven Seagal is in it. Great movies. If you've seen the first one, you know what the birthday part is. :D ha ha

  7. Ah.. Dont know. But ima take a wild guess and say yours is The Walking Dead..?
  8. I like so many movies, but I'd have to say Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.
  9. I like troy a lot as well
  10. Man on fire
    Training day
  11. Fight club is probably up there in my favorites.
  12. Tyran, leave and never return.

    Star Wars Episode V: Empire Strikes Back.
    Starship Troopers.
  13. Tie between Iron Man 3 and Avengers
  14. Tombstone.

    "Say when!"
  15. Scary Mike's favorite movie is the one with the most blood and attracts good prey for hunting season.