What's the Best Way to Explain Max Plunder to Someone?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Jackson413, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Hi all, I'm trying to teach a couple new players about how max plunder works. Would anyone be willing to write how they explain max plunder to people?
  2. Well, at first you need 50 million on allies for every build, so tell them to spend at least 600 million on allies; that should put them on MP.
  3. Tell them that their plunder will increase if they hire allies (it doesn't necessarily has to be a considerable amount of allies, since what increases your allies bonus depends on how much the ally cost).
  4. Tell them to look at the "What is Max Plunder??" Topic....
  5. You need to buy plenty of allies to maintain maximum plunder to ensure youre earning the most possible from an eb or another player.

    To do this, you need to spend lots of gold on allies. Buy an ally, at a low cost, i.e. 100mil, and hit the eb youre doing. Record the ally bonus earned and repeat the ally buying, hittingand recording in this way until your ally bonus stops increasing. Make sure its the same eb or player each time you attack. Note down the total value you need to stop it increasing, and that telld you how much gold you need for max plunder. Check again often.

    Ebs are easier to test due to uniform strength.
  6. I've mentored quite a bit of people now in kaw. The best way I've explained it is probably comparing it to a wise investment in the stock market. You lose some but then eventually gain your money back and more.