what's the best way to build a new hansel?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by EdgarAllanPro, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. Hey I've got an alt and I'm wondering what the best way to build it as a hansel would be. Thanks!
  2. Build spy buildings
  3. Well first, get a volley. Then join a reliable clan. And start building guilds. I believe it is the most economically efficient build in the game. Also, there are guides for building a successful hansel.
  4. [​IMG]
  5. 6 beasts 3 lvl 1 guilds and then get MP as quick as you can. Do TFO and rock the item phase. Then let land cost determine your next move. If its cheaper to upgrade a building then do that first. Otherwise buy land, and alternate putting down beasts and guilds.

    Once you reach the 900 mil land, convert everything to lvl4 guilds and swap one beast for one war aviary. Then it's guilds all the way.
  6. Bruce actually try and help op.
  7. Epic name op.. Cx
  8. Alright thanks guys:) Alts name is ChillbroSwaggins hehe
  9. :lol: