what's the best T5 eb build?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Caboose_ii, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. What's the best T5 eb build?
  2. No00000bbb
  3. Stables cant be built on hls :( so subs
  4. Come on... Should I build Voleries or is it not worth it?
  5. 48 towers and a sub mn
  7. I can't find any info on how much ally bonus Voleries get per stat. Just because it has lower CS doesn't prove it makes less money. Obviously since its comparable in price to T5 attack buildings it's supposed to be somewhat equivalent. It's not as obvious as you all seem to think.
  8. Haha it actually is hard to know what is best plunder but never mention EBs positivity in the forums ;-)
  9. Of so that's why. That's lame.
  10. You clearly don't understand forums very well.
  11. Hi forums. All I do is war!
  12. See that's what people want to hear
  13. All these forumers are noobs...

    They preach about war trying to build a reputation for themselves and slander anyone who talk about EB's even if they need any help with anything...

    It all depends on play style and activity. Ask a few LB players who have different builds and ask what's the average amount they make without xtals - ask people who are LB rank 20 some of the higher LB players don't reply to people they do not know 
  14. 48 towers and a stable with no allies