I was wondering what is the best build to go for as of right now I really want to start wars but also want to do epic battles. Please comment about war+epic battle builds might have a alternate account for epic battle build.
It doesn't matter unless your getting BFA ($1000s) you won't be doing much other than making the lb stronger and richer
I would suggest hansel myself, you can war as a ps very easily. Furthermore in eb's I can rake in the gold to grow quicker
Depends on your playing style and if you like to war or not.... Then you have otions as to what you prefer
It's ok I guess, not sure 100% on that. I've never tried adt at such a scale, I prefer bfa bc it doesn't lower plunder
Of course the size the op is going ADT hansel is stupid. Don't want to build those towers until you reach abyss
Onesy has a great point. If you're still trying to grow on eb's and war at the same time, a hansel that you can drop to ps for war is a great way to go.
Copy my build exactly. I have mathematically calculated it using complex logarithms to ensure that the ratio between CS, Plunder, Hit Range, CF requests, and Static Defences is maximized all while costing the least amount of gold per land and while maintaining hybrid mechanics.