what's that smell!?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bob_Sacamano, Aug 10, 2015.

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  1. There is a strange/disgusting odor coming from my fireplace.. Any thoughts?
  2. What did you last put in it. Did you mix anything?
  3. No dude.. Just moved in a month ago and haven't used.
  4. Just wash it with Febreeze 
  5. Animal get stuck up in the chimney?
  6. I think you just burned a squirrel, its a great way to bbq though
  7. Fire isn't the best way to dispose of a body 
  8. I got stuck in a chimney once as a dare... Barely made it out without turning into a burger
  9. It's a squirrel no body likes them tree rats
  10. Nonsensical spam
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