What's should I build?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Lupus-, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. Need some advice, I am very Haunting-Active, I don't hit OSF or anything.

    I have 37 lands.
    1 castle Lvl 2
    1 SOS Lvl 3
    35 Guilds Lvl 3

    I have enough for a Lvl 2 SOS, but I don't know whether I should buy the SOS, and keep converting guilds to SOS, try LC the highlands with guilds Lvl 3, or should I start buying allies?
    My next land is 40 bil, I could make that in about a day or two.
    I could convert about 1 SOS a day...

  2. What the he'll is a SOS
  3. Stronghold of Shadow.
    The tier two spy build
  4. If u r focused on guild/strongholds of shadow id go with one tht can give u most right now
  5. dontchu need to convert all at once or u getsome serious rapage to ur plunder ;p
  6. O thanks 
  7. Plunder doesn't matter if I'm assassinating in the haunting....
  8. oh right o.o
    then convert away?
  9. Guilds = big waste of land.

    I don't even have 35 lands and I'm like 3x your size.