Whats Most Money Made On 1st Hit on HAUNT

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SlimShady, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. First hit on haunt,
    Please help me out,
    Im searching for the best immediate pay build(the main question)
    and best overall/end reward pay(list of you wanna)
    Please list:
    1- Regular Plunder(if you know it would be helpful but i guess not completely nessecary)
    2-BFA ally plunder bonus(again optional i dc that much, but it would help)

    3-most important-total made,

    If someone would help me out or follow me
    I figure hansels make best rewards, but which makes HIGHEST immediate pay, anyone get into 60/70m a hit without estoc edge?
    Thanks for the help:)
  2. I can't hit haunting :)
  3. Right now first hit for me is 34,049,573 with lvl 1 EE.
  4. 33M first hit with a 7M attack build.
  5. I've seen a 40 something hit on haunt. Crazy!
  6. I was bellow 9% on troops.
  7. When I had estoc edge level 4 and huge attack stats I made 40 something mill. Then I lost a few wars, converted 10 Cursed Foundries into Spy defence towers and I make less than 35
  8. Hippo the 7 is sitting higher than the other numbers. 70m fail...
  9. Ooh a diss. You gonna take that Hippo?
  10. 44-45 m first hit without any EE
  11. 1st hit on Haunt, highest payout....

    Is the following build:

    LL >> 24 Titan's Lair
    HL >> 1 Volary, 24 Tortured Gardens
    130B in allies
    Whatever EE/EB items you can get your hands on to help you increase your attack.
    Electric Storm Bow etc
  12. A diss? And I should care why if he criticizes the photo? I don't understand people...
  13. The Titan/TG build gives the Highest Possible Return.
    Currently my Alts Build is:

    LL >> 24 L3 Titans
    HL >> 1 L2 Volary, 3 L1 Tortured Gardens, 18 L2 Tortured Gardens

    With BTA:

    115B in allies with BFA


    1st hit on Haunting 