What's going to start happening if we don't get matches

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BillGates, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

    What has come to my attention is that devs are not giving out a lot of wars. I mean by no matches. What I think is going to happen is that we the people are going to start looking forward to TVP. Which means free mith for us. People are going to start making bogus matches so that they can get the TVP. Devs you gotta make matches for us so we don't free load. My solution to this is give us the matches we deserve.

    No bad comments please.
  2. No match: free mith, no xtals required, no casting, can relax, can be inactive.
    Match: stress, xtals, mith required, reasonable to significant chance of failing, activity and tension required.

    The choice is clear.
  3. I don't think you realize how matchups are made? The Devs don't "give" matches. If clans sign up that are similar to another clan, there's a match. If a clan signs up and there is no similar clan to war, then there's no match. It's all on the players, not the devs.
  4. Tvp gives 14 mith... That's nothing. It doesn't give any rancor...
  5. It's also been around for god knows how long. The amount of no matches you'd need to get ANY sort of decent equip is ridiculous.
  6. U know that tvp is hard to finish too
  7. Lol who hopes for tvp?
  8. And not to mention your a tiny ass SH/GH whatever. I could rant all day about how stupid you are and ignorant towards EE. There is a matching algorithm. Your telling me you'd rather a match and get smashed and waste resources than get a no match and save resources? K.
  9. I say that because even tho I'm small I still wanna know the experience so if rather lose an get experience than. Not have a match an have no knowledge to what a war is.
  10. Most clans I know don't even bother with TVP if they nm ....
  11. As I said the matching algorithm. Not the devs. It's coding.
  12. I like EE, even when I lose. Prefer a match to Tvp any day.
  13. Bad comment
  14. On a serious note, if over half your roster is sh, you'll struggle on tvp, probably have to xtal. Much effort for 14 mith, like Val said it'll take ages to get anything decent.

    Tvp era already ended honestly, used to be many tvp hunters