What's going on, ATA?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Stosrider, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Support and agree well said
  2. I agree with mostly everything you have said. The relationship between mods and players is much more hostile than what it used to be. I feel like they dont dont even have a positive perspective about them other than moose.
    Thats all i got to say.
  3. They are all out trying out the new Corvettes they bought, or they don't like you.
  4. Love this. I support this fully and wish some of these suggestions be acted upon ^.^
  5. My biggest concern right now with KaW is ATA doing to KaW what they just did in PIMD, which caused #3 LB to reset and 2 mods to step down.

    They took cap of regens so basically unlimited xstals in pimd.

    They made it so you could half regen.

    And they made it so you could share nobs and xstals with other players.

    There were some other things, but mostly those three things spreading to kaw will be ********.
  6. I read the first part. Every company sends a generic email back, it's just saying hello we will get to you shortly when we are available.
  7. I personally don't have any issues with the current moderators at all. I haven't seen much hostility coming from them, no more than the last wave of mods had. From my personal experience, being a moderator can be irritating. No offense, but if your name doesn't start with the letter "M" and doesn't rhyme with "goose"; you're likely to not receive any praise or recognition from others. While the moderators don't exactly require celebrity status, they do require a morale boost on the occasion to keep going and want to strive to be kind. Don't forget that the moderators are human, as you are. They have problems outside of KaW as well, they can have a bad day. People with negative attitudes will eventually cast negativity onto their peers. See a moderator in a bad mood? Cheer them up. Don't be an asshole, don't give them a reason to be hostile. Want them to improve? Give them a reason to carry on. When the community can't even change, don't expect much from the mods. I lost faith in the community within just 6 months of moderator. Ever feel useless? Unwanted? Used? Hated? It sucks. So give these people incentive to not be hostile.
  8. Support and agree - kaw is definitely on a down turn, no real new peeps apart from alts. I spend alot on this game - but i now feel drained...give something for free/easier - but things like the smithing was a total failure, banners to level 20 wtf where r they? Again way too hard to get.....now all this gold kicking about to get builds complete so they can release more builds/upgrades or lands......i cannot see how kaw can be saved now. Thoughts welcome.
  9. Ignore me I was ranting.
  10. I think you are mistaking moderators with a paid position. If they were staff, then perhaps they could kiss your ass a bit, but unpaid volunteers? Forget it.
  11. Total agreement here.
  12. And if you've ever volunteered to do something long term, eventually you start to think that you deserve something for doing it. Whether it be money, recognition, or the feeling that you've made an impact. When you don't get any of those things and most of your hard work goes by unnoticed it can get you in a bad mood. You may even start to question why you've even tried. A few of the older moderators have resigned because of this. And those mods were the ones who actually fulfilled their tasks, and they didn't even strive for attention. These individuals didnt brag or mock people they silenced publicly in WC, they didn't claim their silences. They sat along the sidelines and did what they were supposed to do. And in the end, they may have made a couple of good friends along the way; but they never earned the respect from the community they seeked. Instead, they were lazy because they didn't show up in WC often. They were useless because they didn't make a guide thread. That feeling of emptiness kicks in, then they quit.
  13. I ignore u regardless

    Edit: can u guys stop posting 1000 word essay responses this thread is so Tl;dr #amirite
  14. It's quite evident you've never been in the position of a moderator. So you're going to combat what an ex-moderator is saying, without any experience yourself? You're being ignorant. You haven't been there. And as I've stated, it wasn't just me who has felt like this. If the majority of the focus is on ATA and you're trying to start an argument with me, you're doing it wrong. I'm just stating what myself and other moderators have experienced. Why would anyone want to serve a community of people who are ungrateful and think they are entitled to everything?
  15. Your attitude alone makes me glad I resigned.
  16. OP's bypass on page 2 deleted. Don't put spaces in censored terms.

    And just an FYI, if you only play KaW for the mods, and we make you this unhappy, then you are playing for the wrong reasons.
  17. Couldn't support this more than I already do. Everything was spot on
  18. Op, it's sad, but you can never expect much from KaW community it's just toxic and has been like that since... Well since I started to read here.

    80% in forums are trolls, attention seekers or people discussing with their own alts, however, your thread is very well written and throws a spot in many issues.

    Well done

    Melissa, you did a good job as a moderator, but in your current argument your argumentation is very biased, what is understandable... But I personally think you don't deserve more respect as any other player just for being a moderator and if you're in a bad mood just don't share it doesn't make anything better for you and created negative atmosphere ️
  19. You call yourself Mod clevv, so I'm going to assume there is an underlying issue there regarding game moderation which is distinct from your otherwise lengthy tract on gaming dissatisfaction. :roll:
  20. People complain to much. The game isn't perfect, mods are not perfect, so stop trying to make things be perfect. Embrace the flaws that make the game beautiful! :)