Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Warontheheart_boss, May 29, 2013.

  1. What's better a beastiary or a forge I'm going for a hybrid build and everyone tells me to build forges but what should I build forges or beastiaries
  2. If everybody tells you to build forges, you should probably build forges.
  3. Beastiary, its balanced. Depends on what you want though.
  4. Beastieries
  5. Do whatever your little heart desires.
  6. At this point, you should be changing Forges to Bestiaries, and later on from Bestiaries to CoE or Foundries. ;)
  7. I'm a noob, so I really wouldn't know what's best for you or not. :lol:
  8. Build anything, you would be replacing them in a few weeks with COE once u reach highlands.
    Forges are cheaper than beastiaries so in the long term u save money if u stick to forges