What's a good spy build and how do you get the money to make

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Gentlem3n, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. What's a good spy build? How do you get the $ to purchase it because stealing doesn't get lots of gold? How does the build work step by step and what buildings do I get and in what order?
  2. Hansel. I suggest looking at hansel guides, there should be several in strategy section.
  3. It all takes time, NEVER START ur build as a spy builder. U need to get the money from attack builds first.
  4. I suggest the "Guild Hansel" build until you HighLand complete (purchase all lands). An example of this can be shown on my thread Beginners Guide. (click the link - quite a bit of reading however useful info)

    After you Highland Complete you can look into Volaries, Spy Towers, SoS's etc. All of which explained Herein wulf's thread.
  5. Has anyone ever told you you're awesome b?
  6. I prefer the term:


    wait -

    for -

    it -

    DARY :3

    But no - Not many have lol
  7. Just listen to B. he always knows what he's talking about. Also, if what igerpums said is true, then, you're awesome B! :lol:
  8. I prefer the term


    Wait for it


  9. Go to check n go, that's were u could get the money
  10. I am not doing this for attention.
    I provided two very clear threads to guide the OP :)

  11. Use your stables as spies. Stables can do anything
  12. I will be an attack build for a few weeks to get money, then switch to a hansel
  13. I second greatness. Stables rock
  14. OP, your build is all wrong... If you want to be a spy build...
    You must reset
  15. You might not be doing it for the attention B, but your advice is usually spot on. 
  16. GH is the fastest way to grow/unlock lands. Simple.
  17. No this build rocks at growing
  18. I find the all tower approach to be most lucrative before attempting the hansel build . I would bypass attack all the way .