
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kezzer, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. >Be me
    >Be at work
    >See fat idiotic IT guy tying himself to a chair
    >Ask him why he's tying himself to chair
    >"I am tying the chair to me"
    >CEO comes in and asks is he into being tied up
    >IT guy says he loves it but would need to have a little less on first
    >CEO says maybe later and winks
    >MFW I am up all night having nightmares

    (True story and no this wasn't sexual harassment, it was just a strange guy and a CEO with a strange sense of humor. It was clearly a joke to both people who were there)
  2. Let me guess.. You're from accounting.. We all know about you and your butt photo faxing..
  3. Pretty sure they say "Bottom" but ok.
  4. They don't 
  5. I was there, watching you.

    I also know where you live.
  6. On a happier note, minions are Kewl! :D
  7. This is the cringiest attempt at green text I be seen in my life..seriously hard to read.
  8. Something about this thread looks familiar...
    Just cant quite put my finger on it.
  9. No
  10. dang ashton youre so cool quoting op hahah troll of the year right guys
  11. What an enlightening read. KaW forums never fails to deliver on top notch threads :lol: :roll:
  12. Don't see you making threads...
  13. I made it for a quick laugh. You don't need to enjoy it. It's hard to make a decent green text out of a story that actually happened at work like this. Move along if you don't enjoy it
  14. Come on, let's give Kezzer more credit. I mean it's his first thread.
    Although looking familiar, he really dod try his best.
  15. Hehe... Dod...
  16. You don't need to enjoy my comment. Move along if you don't enjoy it. :D

    I'm kidding, relax. I know it was made for a joke.
  17. No need to take everything so seriously :lol:
  18. I love it when people noob up a thread and cry allover it, where's your thread?
  19. Not more of these idiots who click on the thread that is meant for a laugh and whine about the fact it doesn't meet their boring life and no sense of humour.

    If you want something interesting, go outside. Nerds.