OK forum monkey's it's crazy am an I'm wasted an tired but thought sod it discussion thread. So as the title states the thread is to culminate and cultivate ideas that we the kaw player would like to see happen in the not too distant future. Now it's obvious the devs are going to come at us with some dumb ass holiday themed rehash hunt which as my family here can tell you I friggin despise. My reason for such hatred is because development are using them like we would a laser pen with a kitten, to distract us from the fact that they have still failed in improving the pvp system. An before some noob comes at me with ee wars just stop right there ee ain't proper pvp because ee has confines, time limits and rules as where true pvp has only one rule have fun. So what I'd like to see instead of some dumb hunt is a weekend long pvp event like 3x pay or a clan point gather event for plunder made resulting in a leaderboard with prizes n crap now okay it could be abused but then so can everything and if devs watch closely they could clamp down on any abusers. Well that's what I'd like to see what about you guys what do you feel would better your kawing experience? Ps excuse grammar (lack of) and spelling I got bad alpha dyslexia
Improved pvp, some spy banners that you dont have to pay loads of real money to get and also some allies for the newbies would be nice...cheers
Yea I like the first two however idk how they could achieve the 3rd except maybe creating a standard marketplace ally with set stats and price only available to achieve mp for those under say 3mill cs maybe?
That's actually a very clever idea, though that cs is very easily obtained. They could also implement a Max Ally Plunder spell or Clan spell that gives all members under 1m cs MP for 24h
I want the devs to actually do backflips from there head office in Vancouver to my front door and instead of using the door bell they will HAVE to use pure solid gold trumpets to signal they are there and I would like them to present me with a note upon a red plush pillow That reads "thanks for playing". That's all I'm asking. No more no less
I dont agree with plundering as the way to success. That basically means whoever has the highest plundering build gets monehz. I like the 3X pay, but go all clash of clans style, make it whoever does the most successful actions, while being matched up randomly, gets the rewards. Something like that, otherwise it'll just be another pwar system.
Osw style based pvp supported by devs Daily/weekly/monthly(wasn't specified)login rewards,,, that was once mentioned by devs NO NEW LANDS OR UGS FOR A LONG WHILE More events free stuff never hurts (animus box style plox) Again , NO NEW LANDS OR UGS That's all
I'd like the developers to stick to what they say there going to do rather than put things on the backburner all the time
a creative use for aqua and inferno geared for pvp. examples: Spell, 3 inferno 2 aqua. -plunder decrease from steals disabled. pays as if you had full spies while casted. Enchant -temporary eq lvl boost, 1 inferno/aqua. selected eq temperaruly upgraded one lvl for 'x' amount of time. idk, maybe stuff like that.
Doesn't matter , this game sucks as a game, community is cool, KaW is 9 year old player based whack by default. So many possibilities tho.
48 hour war Matchups based on Clan Strength LB Top 200 clan forced to war 200 LB can choose to cast in Bottom accounts may be cut from war to balance stats otherwise FULL CLAN activity 8 hour spell to "pull from war" Can only be cast once per person Once you war with a clan you can't war with another for 7 days War Schedule Mon-Tue : War Wed-Thur : Regroup Fri-Sat : War Sun-Mon : Regroup Tues-Wed: War Thurs-Fri : Regoup Sat-Sun : Final War = 4 big clan wars in two weeks Don't wanna war? Join a smaller clan. Just off the top of my head