What You Crave VS What You Need

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PressUp, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Chocolate: Raw nuts/seeds.
    Oily/Fatty Snacks: Kale, leafy greens.
    Soda/Carbonated Drinks: Actual, literal bubbles.
    Chips/Salty Food: Topsoil.
    Cookies: Freudian psychology.
    Sweet Tea: A strong Southern gentleman to take care of you.
    Pasta/Carbs: Pasta/Carbs.
    Ice: The sweet release of death.
  2. o_O what the hell is this
  3. i guess there is a reason i dislike southern style sweet tea so much.
  4. What i crave: op to have stats
    What i need: op to stop making threads
  5. You had me at strong southern gentleman. 
  6. Wow. What have I been doing all my life.
  7. Topsoil? Really?
  8. What about meat?