what would?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Sinister, May 25, 2011.

  1. What would my stats be if I converted to all Level 4 guilds and 1 war aviary?
  2. Depends on land
  3. I'm on my 23rd land almost 24th .. Mainlands haven't reached highlands.
  4. With 24 it's like 10k/10k/310k/310k about
  5. You made it 6 minutes ago, was the bump necessary?
  6. And with 23 it'd be 297k instead of the 310k's
  7. What happens once I have all 25 ?
  8. u move into the highlands another 25 lands to explore
  9. Nvm, I thought you weren't including castle land :oops: Those are 24 and 25. It would go down ~13k on spy so 283-284k
  10. Yeah I'm just going to stay , normal player.