what would u wish for if u had 3 wishes

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by megan--, Apr 5, 2015.

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  1. I'd wish for 100mil dollars,a mansion that has already been paided for,and #3 a robot to do my hw
  2. 1. That I never read OP.

    2. That OP had decent grammar.

    3. That OP would get off forums.
  3. What bout everyone else??????????
  4. No one is perfect plus IDC what u think ppl cuz I have my own opinion.and I'm not scared of y'all anyway
  5. 4. That OP would take a joke and understand that people on the Internet are gonna criticize you if you make bad threads with little to no effort.
  6. Haha fearing ppl on threads is unrealistic
  7. 5. That OP would make any sense at all.
  8. Idc cuz 1 I do what I want 2 idc what no one thinks bout me. 3 its only words on a screen to me
  9. I'm. Very stubborn
  10. 6. That OP would make decent threads that have slightly coherent grammar and language.
  11. Not gonna happen
  12. omg where have the good threads gone too forum has turned into a joke
  13. 1 reset ur account
    2 wish i could get bak the time it took me to read ovodi care what u think
    3 put u on a diet
  14. That op gets perma silenced and more wishes to use so op gets silenced
  15. Idc anyway cuz u ain't the boss of me
  16. That is what people who don't care what the other person say and who are ignorant say. Saying that "You aren't the boss of me" shows that you are overly stubborn and unwilling to learn. Basically what you are saying to these people criticizing you is 'My way is best, and I don't care if you're way is better, even though I don't put any effort into my way.'

    Face it. You made a low effort thread and have done so before, and people don't like that. Sure, you can be your own individual, but that doesn't mean you get a free get out of jail card for all the rules. If I were you, I would stop making threads like these. Just sayin'.

    My rant is over. Thank you.
  17. I wish this thread was gone.
  18. I wish OP was gone.
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