what will raise my plunder gain?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Menomore, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. I need help to figure out how to get more plunder gain
  2. Having money invested in allies raises your plunder considerably, and also upgrading buildings gets you more plunder as well
  3. I heard resetting helps
  4. Ensure you are at max plunder at all times and grow your stats!

    Request a lock and follow me before you get trolled!

  5. :?
  6. Aang, he is already at MP so more allies wont help him. However hitting the ebs that are more closer to your cs will give you more gold, or if you ally trade. (But you need hundreds of billions until you can)
  7. Don't reset, that guy is trying to fool you
  8. I couldn't tell if he was at max or not, I'm on pc making it harder to go to his profile from forums, but doing ebs at level will definitely help like Grow said.
  9. No prob Aang, he is currently doing TFO, I believe he can step up to Ambush or Destroyer for more gold.
  10. Oh yah, he's definitely big enough. Just copy/pasted his name to kaw, and he should definitely be doing Ambush, Destroyer, or maybe even NML at his size
  11. Two things
    1) destroyer pays worse than warbeasts with half plunder
    2) destroyer is harder to hit than nml
    Just saying^

    OP(original poster)- hitting ebs will help your stats like fertiliser ;)