What was the point of Chaos Wars?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by GetPlowed, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. So we've spent the last couple weeks practicing 11 man rosters and getting used to building rosters for wars at certain times. Now come s3 the times (which were pretty nice, let's be real) are completely skewed.

    Secondly, the rosters. Not sure if youve noticed, but in the recent 20 man rosters there have been *significantly* less matchups---its hard for new clans to get 20 people, let alone 25

    What I envision in s3 is a drastic decline in wars due to both awkward times and roster sizes. Its basically cutting out new xlans and only allowing the established war clans to get enough players to war.

    Please consider this devs. I greatly enjoy warring and this new system has made it so I can only do a handful of wars a week.
  2. Awkward for one isn't awkward for another. I wasn't able to do ANY chaos wars due to the times. S3 I can do 3 next week already.
  3. I disagree, many mercs are in wc, if you start early its not that hard
  4. Okay, I cede on the time part - it may be better off for a greater number of people.

    But some variation in rosters would be nice. Especially in established clans, whom dont want to befull of random mercs, filling 25 rosters is a hard feat. Just a few smaller would be nice.
  5. I think if signup's are so low, devs will change it. I really hope they include some smaller rosters eventually
  6. Plowed ive honestly come to believe they have decided to keep tossing **** against the wall to see if it sticks ---
  7. Yeah all advantage wars but Sunday is classic... Hmmmm
  8. They put 25 roster for s3 to cover their shitty matching algorithm. In their view it will be much more difficult to stack lb with sh with bigger roster. The truth is successful clans won't have problem getting 13 sh for wars and other war clans will still be over matched and many more will get no matches and won't even sign up due to not enough people for war. I'm getting really fed up with this game....
  9. Chase wars was like the test wars before s2 just wars to keep testing system to help in the season and for people to war for prices and have fun.
  10. In my observation the "off-season" or "test" wars between Season 1 and Season 2 had significantly lower participation than the Season 2 wars. Perhaps the same will hold true for the Chaos Wars and we will see a significant increase in participation once Season 3 starts.

    That being said, the recent changes to the matchup algorithim -- which seems to have resulted in a drastic increase in the number of no matches -- only a week or so before Season 3 starts is most troubling. If the last week was a test of the proposed algorithim for Season 3, then I do fear there will be far fewer wars because there will be many more no matches.

    Crossing my fingers,

  11. I think half the week be like Chaos wars, and half the S3 schedule. I can't do any wars in there. Devs, listen. Please.
  12. The purpose of the Chaos Wars was to create Chaos on the forums about how people don't like them.
  13. Real question is what's the point of this game?
  14. There were a few clans that did not even participate inchaos but will be there for season 3,, quality mercs will dwindle
  15. Yep they changed nothing for s3 did they
  16. I think devs are gonna improve and tweak stuffs through chaos wars, just don't know how long it'll take 
  17. The point is to piss off the Aussies.