What Towers?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIElITlIHIlAlINlIl, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. Hey KaW i am thinking about converting to a guild hansel and wondered what defensive towers would i need for war and be a GH no hate please
  2. No towers or 500k Spy towers
  4. Feel free to disregard my opinion, as I've avoided these "EE" (or 'E') Wars like the plague so far but..

    I've seen people recommend getting defensive towers on the hoarfrost for people who don't have decent equipment. On the other hand, spy defense towers have always been good but..

    Judging from where you are currently as a kingdom as far as growth, I would recommend against buying towers at this moment in your kaw career (not 'kaweer' as I actually say the letters K.a.W. in my head when I type it, as opposed to 'caw' like a crow) for the time being, and do what you can (As far as giving nothing back, well..that will only work if you happen to be at the top of both clans for this (which seems bogus)).
  5. Just give in to the KaWtastic punnery.