what the heck is a bronze bar?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by golfwang_, Oct 8, 2012.

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  1. Tell me plz
  2. 3rd thread...we don't know yet
  3. Seriously, no one knows yet

    And look before you make a thread. There's like 2 others about this
  4. Tigress is lurking, I know it...
  5. You did not have to creat a separate thread for this. You could have posted this on the bronze bar thread already in AT. As far as what try are for, we do not know yet and there is much speculation as to their use. Be patient, we will all know at the same time.
  6. What are you talking about where can i view this bar
  7. Meisha...Has been spotted also
  8. Van
    It is an item that was accidentally released while it was still in development is my guess.
  9. locking for clean up purposes- please post on the other threads
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