what should I build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIIlIlIIWIHlOIAlMIilIIlIlIlI, May 16, 2014.

  1. Hey guys should I build up atk and have about 1.5m spy atk,4-5mspy def rest atk with 3-4m towers or should I build about 2m atk 5m def 8m spy atk rest on spy towers

    Thank you
  2. anything but SH or modified SH
  3. Yaaahhhh go spy
  4. Depends what you want to do
  5. Go hansel like I'm gonna
  6. guild hancels atw :cool:
  7. Ill start converting when allies have sold which is gunna take months lol :(
  8. Troop heavy one!!
  9. Forges, Forges, FORGES!
  10. To answer ur Q can only be done if u define what the purpose u have in mind for your build.
  11. Pm me jamie lol.. i can be ur teacher :D
  12. I ship in a bottle... always wanted to build one of those
  13. Go with which ever you like the most both have some merits n demerits ️
  14. Stable build op, stable build