I am Hansel and have 1 Coe, 3 SOS, and 33 guilds. I am about to buy my next land. Should I build a guild, another Coe or SOS? A guild would give more plunder and more assassinate opportunities I'm epic battles. If u get 1 more Coe, would I still need the 12m attack pots to hit during the haunting EB? What do u suggest building on next land and why?
Guilds offer the best plunder. If you make money faster, you can upgrade faster, and the faster you upgrade, the sooner you'll be useful to your clan. Keep up with the guilds infill you have attained all lands.
Try just using the 2.5 and the 7or7.5 pots that what I use when I attack in ebs most of the time I just assa and use items I can get 3 bil on a 1.4 hour eb (haunting) and use my troops to farm do quests hit HLBC osfs
The best way at your stage is to convert 3 guilds to SOS, then save up 644 bil for a 2/3 SOS convert. This will ensure that ure stats increase loads, ure plunder goes down a bit wen u build the first 3, but wen u convert to 2/3 build sa SOS it increases again
quote="Moose_Admin"]Poor idea. Just keep plugging away making guilds. It's all about getting the most cash fast.[/quote] True moose, that was just me following a guide that a friend made. [
Sorry, i dont need it. Im an attack build. This is just what he thought was the fastest way to HLBC hansel. However it hasnt been updated and it has reference to OSFing for PWs. However the build part is still correct. This is just one way to do it
If were u I'd start swapping guilds for SOS before buying any more land.well worth it. Plunder will go down when attacking. But not as much as u think
As i said. Until you have 2/3 of ure land as SOS it will decrease, for that reason moose i said save 644 bil and convert all at once
I'm converting my guilds to sos 1 at a time. Plunder decreases when attacking but but I'm making more wiv spies in epics which more than covers it.
It is much much easier to do this if you ave up 644 bil in allies and let them sell. Ie buy 10 bils, when they sell get one big one for all te money, then get a few smallers for prices, when they sell get big. Repeat this until you have the money then convert
so your stats mean nothing and its just all about the build that gives you the best plunder... that's what went wrong with all the pw noobs
I just bought my 50th land going all the way as a black guild hansel, except for one T4 circle and two SOS which i had to get in order to be able to hit an HLBC OSF, Now Im going to convert to SOS and my plunder will decrease, but here is where it is now: 25,736,520 ally bonus on haunting, 38,608,299 on HLBC osf. I have compared this ally bonus with HLBC hansel friends and it is definately higher. I believe that the fastest way to land complete is to stick with the black guilds all the way. When I built the 2 SOS my ally plunder went down slightly, but it was worth it to be able to hit OSFs. :geek: