What NOT to do during PvP event

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, May 22, 2015.

  1. When it comes to PvP, lots talk a big game, but often they do things that are not particularly swift.

    Take this clan "You did not see this coming" for instance.

    It advertises as a PvP clan meaning we can smack the members around without worrying about breaking a cf or starting a war. Some might think twice before smacking certain clans, but that problem is not here. In fact, it looks like they are afraid more of their own members.

    More astonishing are their clan achievements.

    That's right, all these guys have done is warbeasts. Their clan achievements are basically zero. I however, being privileged enough to be a member of a big clan with 20% bonuses all around. Thus basically I have a 20% advantage over anyone I attack in this clan.

    Anyone need some fresh PvP meat? This is the clan for you!

    Moral of the story: one should not shoot themselves in the foot just before going to a gun fight.
  2. Looks like most of them did better than you in the event though
  3. Once I'm finished with my fight against one of my clanmates, I'll look it up.
  4. And how do you figure that? I finished exactly 200th overall.
  5. Looks like I'm the new owner, anyone want a new clan?
  6. It's like bringing a knife to a gun fight.
  7. I believe we had 2 in the top 10 and 13 others in top 100?
  8. I didn't feel very disadvantaged at all when I was smackin around some people in warlor haha

  9. It doesn't matter of we bring a knife to a gunfight when we know how to use our knives better than your guns 
  10. I hope this wasn't a bashing thread, my comment wasn't meant to bring down or derail your thread, just don't believe what you said was all accurate. @Frog
  11. No problem Squishy.

    Reality was rumors going around kaw were you were a good clan to hit because no one had to worry about any clan farming drama.

    As for how high you rank, I think activity and xstals matter the most. I got rank 200 on about 12 xstals used total. I also stole a sword off of someone in your clan.

    It is just a little unclear to me why you would PvP out of a clan that had almost no clan bonuses. As someone said already, it's like bringing a knife to a gun fight.

    As for success, it looks like Kotfe clean up this time. Good work mates.

  12. Arent you big and bad....said nobody ever

  13. For what its worth i really dont think clan bonuses matter at all in pvp events. An ee clan yes but pvp? People only attack builds where they have a favorable advantage in stats or build where they will prob have a 90% or better chance of winning. Thats why 60m cs hit 20m cs attack builds and mod attack builds hit hansels and hansels hit osf....when is the last time youve seen someone trying to collect items in a pvp event attack someone bigger or that has an equal or better build to handle their attacks? It just doesnt happen.
  14. As long as you can put 72 members together into a clan that everyone would spend 59 nobs to cast that shield. You would have that shield for 72 hours (cover the 3 days event), you wont care about those clan bonus.
  15. @Led zep

    But looking at the promo thread there are all these mid/small builds whining about getting incoming from bigger ones. Hitting someone smaller than you seems to be more evil than French kissing Satan.

    All I'm saying is why would someone choose on purpose to hit from a clan with no bonuses. Of course I might win a boxing match with a hand tied behind me, but I'd prefer to use both.
  16. Didn't really work like that, for us. Each of us dropped a few when we were going to strip or when we found OSF's, or when someone need to push to drop xtals. Overall shouldn't have been a huge $$$ spender for anyone there.

  17. I came in 86th and had a sword the entire time. No problems here. I guess no matter what size you are if you are afraid of inc you are afraid of inc end of story. Whiners gonna whine
  18. @kyle

    I don't know how often they casted the shield, but it was down yesterday long enough for me to steal a sword.
  19. I personally went there so I could hit whoever I wanted after being told I couldn't hit half the clans in the event from the clan I was in. We casted most of our shields yesterday, but mostly we were unprotected unless we were dumping xtals on OSFs.

  20. I bet we had a spell Casted around 40% of the event. Nothing too accurate but from what I saw. Wasn't all as often as maybe we'd liked.