Iv heard a lot of trash talk in my year of kaw. It all seems to end with being tagged as a "NOOB" so I wanna know what makes a fellow KAWer a "NEWB" kawmunity is full of opinions - almost to many now direct your opinions here so you can refer a noob to this thread to answer all his questions he may have !!
Okay so you deny that you're making fun of your posters, sure. But how about denying that your thread is bad? Dig deeper, OP
Newb and Noob are two separate things. A Newb is a new player who's willing to learn how to play the game and enjoy himself. A noob is a generally annoying player who mainly tries to ruin the game for others.
everybody does something "nooby" once in a while. you can't help it. like for example, the other night I activated my crux chest and fell asleep. it happens. now, repeated or habitual noobiness. well...