WHAT MAKES A GOOD FORUMER? This thread Was inspired by a few comments made by Imitation-Cheese and Charlie. Essentially, it's all in the title. What do YOU think makes a good forumer? Is it being knowledgeable? Humorous? Challenging? Friendly? Weigh in! Provide examples!
I like forumers who make controversial statements and then prove them. I like being challenged and debating.
this is a hard one. for some, long pretty posts. for others, short posts with meaning. however it all comes down to content. someone who posts good, meaningful threads can be a good forumer. someone who makes funny threads we can all enjoy is a good forumer. someone who can successfully troll all of us (not by spamming or being annoying, but someone like SkinnyMinny who had everyone thinking he was a female, or maybe saltyfeet) can be a good forumer. i suppose theres "classes" of forumers. it just depends on if you actually put effort into your posts of if you're here to be annoying.
Lots of thing can contribute to be being a good forumer. Being funny, knowledgeable, able to respond constructively and in a helpful manner, just to name a few. It's great seeing people respond in a constructive manner. In particular on a debate type thread, I like to be able to actually debate with someone and rebut their arguments. I find it fun and interesting to discuss things with people who are knowledgeable and can actually explain and provide substance for their answers. It doesn't matter if we don't agree, in fact that's what makes it interesting. However what really irks me is when people have to resort to personal attacks. Someone isn't a moron or stupid because they disagree with you. I'd much rather see a debate where we swap opinions, question each other and share facts. It puts a 'sour' spin on the thread when people bring it down because of unwarranted personal attacks. Just my 2 cents worth
It's about sharing your opinion,while having reasons which put it across as a justified,considerable and fair opinion. And most of the great forumers suggested in this thread follow this method I believe. Key to being a good former I would say, is by not calling other forumers "idiots" and "morons" without having a reason to back it up. (Referring to onesy's post). Ijust pasted what I said on Cheese's thread on to here so people can discuss it.
Well I figured that I'm not telling a story or making a recruitment thread, so why not keep it simple?
One thing that I think hurts forums is when long-time forumers change names. It's confusing and makes it harder for me to appreciate their contributions over time. There are a few regulars who change names about once a year or more. I have no sense of who they are. I see a name I've never seen before with 10k posts and wonder how I missed this person. The identity is lost
Agreed. I took a two year break and came back with a fresh account, and recognized very few names. It was disappointing.
Yea , unless they made a thread announcing they have changed their name, it can easily go unnoticed. Or they can have their banner with their old name in.
I prefer someone that posts honestly and intelligently, over someone attempting to portray themselves as something, or someone they are not. Real thoughts, real feelings, real emotions. Not internet try hards jumping on the popularity bandwagon or wannabe trolls posting distasteful garbage because they think they're funny or are trying to evoke a reaction. Quality over quantity. "Some people talk a lot yet say nothing. Others say very little but every word has substance" -Unknown Substance.
The best thing about this question is there is no right answer.. It's all subjective.. Your trash is my treasure.. That's the great thing about this place.. Also, you can be an ass whenever you want..
I agree with that too Prime. I sometimes enjoy being a turd to people who deserve it. But I don't go overboard and don't attack on a personal level.
You also have to keep in mind that it looks different on every device/platform. Looks fine on mine, might not on yours. *shrug*