Ok so to start this off, I have no fancy pictures or bb codes. Now to get on topic. I have traveled all around kaw and have heard a long list of ideas some good, some bad. A full blown argument broke out over something I read suggested in forums today. "Make new lands only available by war". Now before the rage starts I would like to say I have no clue how they will design this new promo that seems to be coming. (Source by screen shot of war winnings with the mentioning of war/promo) Today I was called a eb fairy and basically told my opinion did not matter. So this made me think, what is a eb fairy? Now there's a million and one answers to this, " people who only hit ebs" seems to be the only logical one. What defines a eb fairy? "Obe who does not war or PvP" seems to be another logical response. Now my next question is this, what's wrong with there preferred method of playing? What makes the war/PvP style of Kaw the superior style? (Disclaimer I take no sides here as I enjoy both game play styles) Now, let's assume lands are only open by war. Why should PvE players change there game play style to grow? What happens if they leave? Less money for the Devs, and that means??? Well one of two things, either A. More promos to bring players back or B. Kaw shuts down. Both answers hurt everyone. Mith equip is exclusively for warring players. I support this 100%, promo items (Eggs, Feathers,ect.ect.) drop from ebs (mostly hte) and from war as aprize for winning! As another question "Hte is ruining kaw!!" <--Why? I can understand the revenue that it brings in is more than it probably should. However it helps growth! Now a lot of players hating the PvE style hit hte almost as often as a PvE player,"Oh I do it for pots/mith", "I do it to get allies for war", " I self pin". All excuses, what makes you different than a average PvE player? The shard event was a contriversal idea. Majority hated it (Hence the shortened time length) Quite personally I stayed in from day 1! It was terrible fun . Now players often say "The old ways were better". How were they better? They introduced Eb's to generate more players. Which it has done well honestly, now given what I seen with the shard event. How is " new land only for warring players" a good thing? People will quit playing, then kaw dies that much faster. Now again, Disclaimer I DO NOT TAKE SIDES HERE! I support PvP just as I support PvE. Think about this the next time you want to disrespect a player for there preferred game style. I am for equality for all players no matter there game style. P.s. I encourage forum trolls as I do enjoy your funny posts (relavent to topic or not). I support Criticism, as something I said may not be 100% accurate. Feel free to critise as you will, just be constructive if you will.
You have Alot of points/questions here, so I'm just going to point out the one that stuck out the most to me and try to answer off that. First of all, I'll just give a generic answer, that being a Eb fairy plays a war game, but does not like to war. Now, the point I saw was you stated that why should Eb players have to change the way they play. My response to this is, because ever since ebs came out, people that like to primarily war have had to play the Eb game, in order to sustain their PvP ways. (When I say PvP I don't mean ee or sw), We get frusturated that we like.to war, but have eb to stay competitive. Why does one side get to sit in their bubble and do what they like, but the other has to play the way they don't like?
@TNT Because at the end of the day, we need both play styles to keep kaw Thriving. I got tired of PvE and now I'm building towards war. A lot of players just want to grow and chat. Most of them are willing to buy seals & xtals to do so. That gives the Devs profit while keeping kaw alive. Who's to say either style is correct?
@Stitch Correct, it does hence why EE/Rancor/Osw are here. Also why I support more PvP style events aswell. Just with the option to opt in or out at the start.
That didn't really answer my question. My main point is, why do pve people get to go through the game ONLY doing pve.. it if you prefer the pvp side of the game, you still have to do constant pve. We don't get the choice to only do pvp, we have to incorporate pve in order to sustain ourselves. Pve don't, they can just hide their pve clans and be self sustaining.
So simple. Ebs do not hit back. Players do. What that means is that against an eb though it drains your troops at a set level there is no risk. You get a set return. Against a player you never know who's more active or when they will hit. There is a risk against reward feature. Ebs are needed for growth. But they offer no challenge or real fun. No risk. What is the point of building a kingdom if not to war with it and test yourself against other players? That's my take anyway. Also in regard to Omar grammar nazi Please be advised he makes a valid point. Depending upon device a wall of text is impossible to read. PC or pad yes. I cannot read this wall of text on my phone. Please take note of that in future threads.
I like both styles of play, eb was how I thought the game was played till a few pvp's turned 1vsMany Lol, at least an eb can take it's lumps without calling all the other ebs to hit one target for smiles an giggles
Let me try this, this is Kingdoms at War. Define war "Fighting against a opponent or Opponents that oppose you" There is no one saying that a Monster can not be a opponent. Also Its there choice TNT. No one forced any of us to take the builds we have. Just as no one should try and push us to war if we choose not to. Something I seen was "Lands available by war only makes more noobs war" is that what everyone wants? Opponents that can't properly fight back Lol? Now it falls down to this, why do you get to PvP? Answer is you want to, why can they sit back and never PvP? Its there preferred game style! Also Optimal love the Ommet thread very good for a laugh lol
Dog, you still fail to really respond to my point. PVP people have had to do pve for years. Pve people throw a fit as soon as they think they will have to pvp. Why must we play their game, but they get upset when they might have to play ours.